Saturday, 26 July 2008

Gruesome stories

We have had some quite gruesome stories in the news recently.

We had a naked man running around on the mountain just outside Reykjavik on Thursday. He was spotted by some other climbers who also found his clothes. They called the emergency services who went up there to find him but the weather took a turn for the worse. Sadly his body was found this morning by a search helicopter. Nothing yet has been said about the dead man yet other than he was from Poland and came to work here about a year ago.

There was also an incident on a whale watching boat on Tuesday, when the Tourist's on the boat got to see a bit more than they bargained for. They had a ringside seat of a Minke whale being hunted by 20 - 30 killer whales. They watched as the terrified Minke ran into their boat twice as it tried to get away before the Killer whale's finished it off right in front of them.

My favorite story was from last week when a known criminal happened to knock on the front door of the house of the policeman in charge of finding him. The copper couldn't believe his luck and promptly arrested the criminal there and then. It seems the gormless crook had picked this house at random for a burglary and knocked on the door to see if anyone was home. What a plonker!