I finally made it to the top of Esja during the week. It was such a gorgeous day I decided to that I would have a go at getting to the top in the evening after I finished work.
Esja is for those who don't know is the mountain to the north of Reykjavik which pretty much dominates the skyline of the city.

Esja is over 900 meters high, about 3000 ft, I checked on Google and found out that Ben Nevis in Scotland is 1300 meters, so it give's you an idea of scale. Picture above of Reykjavik.

Proof that I made it right to the very top. The last part is very steep indeed and does involve a bit of actual climbing. It took about 2 hours to get to the top and another hour to get to the bottom again.

A view from the top, looking south east. If you enlarge the picture you can see the steam plumbs from the geothermal electricity plant in the distance. They also produce hot water out there which is pipelined to the city for famous cheap central heating. Probably the only thing around here that is cheap.