As we are nearing the longest day of the year, I thought I would show you the difference Between Midday and Midnight at the moment.
These two photographs were taken at the weekend.

This one at Midday......

and this one at Midnight.
As you can see there is enough light at midnight to be able to see what you are doing and to be fair the camera is not really picking out in a true way how much light there really is, but it does give you some idea. It starts to really brighten up again only an hour or so after midnight.
I have been asked many times if the light evenings have affected my sleeping. It seems that a lot of non-Icelanders (and even some of the locals) struggle with insomnia at this time of year.
The people who have asked me this question are, by and large, people who don't really know me that well. Those who do know me are well aware that I can sleep through pretty much anything and that I need dynamite to get me out of bed in the mornings.