The farmers wife was alerted to the presence of the Bear when her dog started barking madly at what she first thought was a big hay bale (wrapped in white plastic) in a field. She took fright when the Hay bale started moving around in a very Bear like fashion.
She said she watched the Bear raid the nests of Eider Ducks as it went on a egg eating rampage. Afterwards it returned to the middle of the field, and with a full belly it stretched out and went to sleep.
It remains to be seen how long this Bear will last, but I have heard people say that this Bear might well be tranquilised and flown back to Greenland as there was a bit of an outcry with the demise of the last Bear.
Quite how you go about tranqing and moving an animal this big and dangerous I'm not quite sure but let's wait and see what happens.
what happened to this bear... did they kill it (and eat it)?
Seemed it tried to run away into the sea when the Danish dude with the Tranq gun and cage arrived.
They where worried about it getting away, so they shot it with real bullets.
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