Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Puffin Consumption

Time living in Iceland = 6 months
Number of Puffins Eaten = Nil

Going to have to impove my Puffin consumption ratio.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are having a good adventure over there :)

I thinks it's probably just a matter of time before you p-p-pick up a puffin :)

Luv Georgina

Anonymous said...

Rathlin Island is 6 miles off the north coast of NI... They have Puffin too, yum!

Insomniac biga bro

Stuart said...

I haven't seen any in the supermarket yet. I have looked among the vacuum packed sheep heads, horsemeat, ect. but no Puffins.

Maybe there's a season for Puffins, wonder when it starts?