Having no bait and no idea of what kind of fish were down there, I though I would give the lures in my fishing box a try.I decided to use one of my lures that the lake Trout don't seem to find too appealing, 'Dirty Harry' is his name. No seriously, thats what written down the side of him. Anyway I thought if the fresh water fish don't like him, maybe the salties would.
I then spent the next hour dragging in seaweed and trying to get a hooked up Harry off rocks.
Then, just when I was considering the merits of Kelp farming, I got a bite.

As you can see it was a real monster. Considering the whole lure / fish size ratio, I am not sure if this fish was incredibly hungry or was actually trying to mate with Harry or something.
If anyone has any idea's what kind of fish this is, I would love to know.
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