Its been in the news over here that someone found a human skull by a holiday home in the countryside last weekend, well that was what the Newspaper headline said anyway. Turns out that it was only the top of a human cranium and the bloke who lost it said he had owned the thing for ages and used it as an ash tray. I kind of lost interest at that point, so I never found out about how this guy got a part of a human skull in the first place.

Anyway I found a skull of my own on the beach the other day. I am open to suggestions as to what it is , but I think it could be from a Conga eel or something. Its about the size of a child's football. Check out the teeth on it, seriously scary stuff.
Whatever it is I am certainly not going for a swim in the sea around here, although I am sure the cold would do me in long before one of his mates turned up to try an take a chunk out of me.
It's Grendel!
I wouldn't want to meet his Mum.
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