Saturday, 10 May 2008

One with everything

I thought I would share with you a story of my first attempt to speak Icelandic. It happened a few years ago on my first trip to Reykjavik, my Girlfriend took me to what she told me was the most famous hot dog stand in the world.

At the time I thought she was a bit crazy but I have learned since that everyone (at least in Iceland) knows about Bæjarins beztu Pylsur or more commonly known as 'that place where Clinton got a hot dog'.

This hot dog stand reputedly serves the best Hot dogs in town and I must say they are pretty good. They say the secret to the taste is that they have never changed the water that the Hot dogs are cooked in. This is possibly why Bill Clinton had a heart attack a week after eating one of these things. Anyway back to the story.

My girlfriend told me that I should order the hot dog by saying 'eina með öllu', which means 'one with everything'. In my head I repeated to myself this phrase again and again. When I got to the front of the queue I told the hot dog bloke 'eina mellu '.

The guy gave me a funny look, sighed and then started to sort me out a hot dog with everything.

Little could I have known at the time but ' eina mellu' means 'one prostitute'.


Anonymous said...

Sigh, Icelandic, I think I will never make it, that is too hard. The pronunciation is very unique and funny.

Stuart said...

I'm okay with the pronunciation. Its the grammar that does my head in.