I decided it was time to have another go at climbing Keilir. 1st May is a bank holiday here and I decided as the weather was so good it would be a shame to waste the day.
I drove the car to as close as I could get to the Volcano and then left it and set off over the Lava fields. The last time I came here there was a lot of snow on the ground, so much so that it obscured the now quite obvious track across the Lava.
The track was not that easy to walk on but it made its way across the field without running into anything impassable. I laughed at the thought of me having such a hard time trying this just a month or so ago.

After a 40 mins hike I was through the Lava and at the base of the Volcano. I took my pack off, had a drink of water and then started the climb up. The climb started steeply and then just got steeper and steeper the further to the top I got. Lower down there is plenty of rocks but towards the top the surface is just sand and black ash. Its like trying to climb a giant sand mountain with your foot sliding down six inches with every step you take. Quite unnerving when you are 1000 ft up in the air.

I took this photo about two thirds of the way up and as you can see I am standing/lying with my back against the rock. It was pretty steep.I had to break the climb into little bits and rest after each part had been completed. I would look up and choose another waypoint ahead and then make out for it.

The view when I got to the top was worth it though. As I reached the top a couple of walkers where on there way down. I was so knackered all I could do was just grin like an idiot in response to there greetings.

It was such a clear day that you could see for miles. Looking south, I could even see the Sea on the south coast of Iceland, really amazing.

I had a bit of a rest and then wandered about the top taking pictures. I found a guest book in a metal box and got myself busy signing it. Then the wind suddenly picked up and I decided it was time to go down again, although I did manage to set my camera up for a self portrait before I left.

The way down was much easier and I only stopped to take a few photos. I soon reached the bottom and set out across the lava again very pleased with myself and looking forward to a shower and a cold beer.
Random noter: may I ask what people do in Iceland. I passed by the airport last year and there doesn't seem anything to do.
Well, its quite a big place with an endearingly small population. There is actually quite a lot to do, I get out more here than I ever did in London. The quality of life here is said to be one of the best and I think its true.
Nice to find your blog, I went to Keilir on 6th of May. it is a very nice trip, and as you said, it is steep, not that easy to reach the top.
What is your next goal in Iceland? Did you go to Esjan before?
Esja is the next on the list. Just going to have to find a nice day to do it so I can get some good pictures. Seems that everytime we have nice weather I am stuck at work.
Hopefully there will be an opportunity soon when the top isn't covered in clouds.
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