I have been meaning to write something about driving on the roads in Iceland for a while now but its been difficult to find a way of putting my thoughts on this down without upsetting any of the local Puffin Eaters that would read this blog.
I have been trying to think of a nice way to put it but I can't, So I will just come out and say it. Icelandic Drivers are Loonies !
Its not like the drivers are intentionally dangerous, there just seems to be a general lack of Road etiquette. Tailgating seems to be the norm, changing lanes lightning quick without any indication is also a favorite and the less said about roundabouts the better.
The interesting thing is, as yet, I have not actually witnessed any acts of road rage. I have seen driving maneuvers which would enrage your average British driver into an act of murder but the Locals don't seem to get very flustered by it.
I have also been told that the reason I personally see such bad driving from other road users is because I am altogether too polite when I Drive. Its like they can sense this as a weakness somehow and prey on me accordingly.
Just the other day I have a car pull out on me while I was driving down a main road. I had to slam on the brakes to avoid the collision. I could only assume that the driver of the other car did not see me. I thought maybe she forgot to look both ways before pulling out, you know sometimes these things happen. After I had screeched the car to a halt I looked at the other driver and held both of my hands up and out to the side, with a look on my face that said 'what was all that about, I nearly ran into your car full of kids'.
The reaction from the other driver was a wave of the hand , a cheeky smile and a thank you for letting her out of the side road. I was dumbstruck.
I have never looked at myself as a meek driver, so the thought of being preyed on by other drivers is quite upsetting. I have toyed with the idea of fighting fire with fire and upping my aggressiveness on the road, but my pompous English sensibilities get in the way.
Why should I go down to their level.