Monday 28 April 2008

Its all in the Name

Icelandic names can sound very weired to foreigners. First of all there are no family names in Iceland (or very Few). A Child's surname is made up of the Father's first name with either Son or Dottir added on to the end of it, depending on whether the child is a boy or girl.

First names are also very interesting. There is an approved list of names issued by the authorities and you can only name a child if the name is on this list. The reason for this is to protect cultural identity but mostly to ensure the name is compatible with the complicated grammar rules that Icelandic has. I am told that the strictness of this list has been relaxed over the past few years with more names being added all the time. I checked the list myself earlier and found Mohamed was allowed, although Stuart is not.

Some Icelandic names can have very amusing meanings when translated directly into English. Here is a taste of a few and no, I haven't made these up.

Male names

Ljotur - Ugly
Ormur - Worm
Alfur - Elf
Astvin - Love Friend
Dyri - Animal
Godi - God
Ofeigur - Not marked for Death

Female names

Arnljot - Eagle Ugly
Dogg - Dew
Kolbrun - Brown as Coal
Mjallhvit - Snow White
Ninja - ???????
Nattsol - Night Sun
Sveina - Boy
Sylgja - Buckle

and my personal favorite.

Olrun - Ale Mystery

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