Wednesday 2 April 2008

Puffin Season

It seems there is a season for Puffin Hunting and its from about July to early September. I am reliably informed that the kit you need is giant Lacrosse racket on a 3 meter pole.

You go out and stand on the cliffs and basically swat the incoming birds with your lacrosse net as they try to land. The cunning bit is placing the recently caught and dispatched puffins on the ground around you in natural poses in order to fool the other puffins into thinking that there is nothing to fear from a bloke holding a big net, clubbing Puffins to death.

There does seem to be some etiquette involved, apparently it is bad form to go after a Puffin flying in with little fish in its beak as these are the ones that have young.

The Puffins have been hunted in this way for centuries and they still haven't worked out that flying home with a mouthful of Sprats is far safer than coming back empty handed.

Not one of the smartest Animals then.


Anonymous said...

Lacrosse racquet? You Surely a twelve bore would be more effective.

Anonymous said...

you make me sick!