Yes, the Snow is back again. I went to bed last night and the weather was overcast and Foggy. This morning I woke up to find about 4 inches of snow on my balcony. The weather changes so fast here.
I went for a walk after work today and took these pictures, the problem was as it was a sweltering 7 Degrees today a lot of the snow had melted away during the day. Still plenty left this evening though, as you can see.

That's nothing. We had three inches on Sunday. Of snow, that is.
well we had some more this weekend so nah nah na na nah !!!
Take a good look at the first picture on this posting and tell me if you can spot the Cat ?
I see it, I see it. About 3/4 of the way allong, an inch from the bottom (well on my monitor anyway). Do I get a prize?
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