Some of the Guys at work know a thing or two about fish, well after all this is Iceland and fish is their thing I suppose. After consulting them it was suggested that the Skull I found belonged to what they call around here a 'Hlyri'. Its English name is Spotted Catfish but it is also sometimes known as a Wolf Fish. I was told that they can survive quite a long time out of the water and often give Trawlermen a hard time when the nets are opened and the fish are being sorted. Ugly brute ain't it.
I am not cooking that thing for dinner any time soon darling, and then only if you catch one yourself.
I hope you give the guys at work plenty of stick over the Cod War. To this day, there are men in Cornwall who would shoot dead any Icelander who dared to cross the Tamar.
I don't tend too as I am some what outnumbered. Although I have pointed out that every other country on the planet only has three and a half miles from shore that they can call there own and not 200 miles, which frankly does take the piss a little bit.
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